Wir über uns

Alexander Knebel

1973 - born in Germany

1992 - finished high school

1993 - finished army

2000 - graduated at University of Karlsruhe as a Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur (TU)

2001 - graduated at Steinbeis University of Berlin as a Master of Business and Engineering

work experience in several companies

hobbies in playing music instruments, cooking, scuba diving, computing and DIY

today: management director of AKE - cutting & better - www.ake.de


Katharina Knebel (geb. Blum)

1976 - born in Kasachstan

1993 - finished high school in Kasachstan

1996 - finished education as a nurse

1996 - moved to Germany

work experience at intensive heart care unit at university hospital

2005 - finished education as an industrial clerk

hobbies are jogging, gardening, reading books

today: sales manager for the russian market at AKE - cutting & better - www.ake.de